Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase I


Midtown Phillips
Year One
Housing *
Mod #s
01 HOUSING Housing Resource Center _ $72,757.70 $72,757.70 $72,757.70   9,15,16,24 Affordable Homeownership Opportunities _ $664,907.86 $664,907.86 $664,907.86 $2,136.10 9,24,58 Energy Audit _ _      9 Phillips Lead Collaborative 2 _ _      9 Rental Subsidy Program _ _      9 Vacant Housing _ _      9,58 Neighborhood Based Property Management _ _      9
02 JOBS/ECONOMIC SECURITY Implement Economic Development Plan _ _      10,16 Create Marketing and P R Strategies _ $55,291.26 $55,291.26     10,27,58 Lake Street Corridor _ $140,159.00 $140,159.00     27,36,42,58 Green Institute _ _      10,24,58 GI Business Incubator _ _      10,16 Micro-Enterprise Training Center _ _      58 Business Low Interest Loans _ _      10,27 Phillips Employment Advisory Board _ _      10,16 Native American Employment Survey _ _      10,24 Employment Recruiting _ $5,000.00 $5,000.00     50,58 Educational Services _ _      10,24 Employment Support _ _      10,27 Employment Training _ _      10,27 Needs Assessment _ _      10,16 Voucher System _ _      10,24,58 Establish Childcare Facilities _ $45,797.84 $45,797.84     10,27,58 Child Care Training _ _      10,16 Maintain Informal Child Care _ _      10,24 Employment Support Services _ _      58 Youth Coordinator _ _      10,16 Youth Program Support _ _      10,16 Youth Employer Support _ _      10,27 Post-Secondary Education Support _ _      10,15 After School and Summer Employment _ _      10,24 Phillips Youth Enterprise Center _ $31,506.00 $31,506.00     36,58 Youth Business Training _ _      10,24 Venture Loan Program _ _      10,16
03 CULTURE/ARTS/ETHNICITY Phillips Council on Arts and Culture _ _      10,27 Franklin Theater Rehab _ _      10,27 Multi-Cultural Arts Center _ $8,000.00 $8,000.00 Youth Arts Mentorships _ $14,999.26 $14,999.26     10,24,27 Phillips Board of Mediation _ _      10
04 COMMUNITY SAFETY Mobile Safety Center _ _      10,58 District Organizers _ $2,000.00 $2,000.00     10,27,58 Conflict Resolution Workshop _ _      10,27 Expand 'Light a Stop' Program _ _      27,42,44
06 LIFESPAN Community Futures Coalition _ _      24 Networking and Information Center _ _      24,27,36 Service Delivery Plan _ _      24 Resource Directory _ _      10,24 Bartering/Asset Exchange _ _      10,17 Neighborhood Early Learning Center _ _      58 24-Hour Youth Center _ $5,060.19 $5,060.19     10,17,58 Family Resource Center _ $14,653.04 $14,653.04     10 Create Learning Experiences _ _      24,33,58 Assess Library Needs and Improve Service _ $5,000.00 $5,000.00     41 Resident Utilization of Existing School Resources _ $25,000.00 $25,000.00     44 Provide Training in Healthcare Fields _ _      10,27 Fitness Programming _ _      10,27
07 ENVIRONMENT/TRANSPORTATION Phillips Environmental Resource Center1 _ _      10,17 Environmental Inventory _ _      10,17 Identify Uses on Unbuildable Land _ $205,705.31 $205,705.31     10,20,58 Develop Model Greenhouse _ _      10,20 Good Neighbor Negotiations _ _      10,17 'Green' Home Assessments _ _      10,17 Solar/Wind Demo Village _ _      10,17 'Green' Economic Development Strategies _ _      10,17 Transportation Management Plan _ _      10,20 Mid-Town Greenway _ $2,872.50 $2,872.50     27,58,64 Bike Paths _ _      10,24 Stewart Park - Phase 2 - Safety _ _      10,20 Stewart Park - Phase 2 - Improvements _ $5,000.00 $5,000.00     58 Community Forest Management Plan _ $1,447.16 $1,447.16     10,20,27,29 Playgrounds _ _      10,17 Sledding Hill _ _      10,17
08 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Management Team _ $63,550.62 $63,550.62 $36,223.85   10,17,27,29,33,41,50,58
PHASE 1r TOTAL  $2,499.31 $22,499.31      
TOTAL  $1,391,207.05 $773,889.41 $2,136.10  
% FOR HOUSING57%    
*Some values in the Total Housing column are administrative costs that are housing related.
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
9Full Action Plan08/29/00On August 29, 2000, the NRP Director approved a modification to the plan (Midtown) to reallocate a total of $104,216.95 from 5 existing plan strategies to 2 existing plan strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $13,744.64 in 1998 from Housing Resource Center (Housing 1.1.1.); (2) $2,630 ($1,535 in 1997 and $1,095 in 1999) from Energy Audit (Housing 1.3.1.); (3) $0.05 in 1998 from Phillips Lead Collaborative (Housing 1.3.4.); (4) $39,450 in 1999 from Rental Subsidy Program (Housing 1.4.4.); and (5) $48,392.26 ($1,844.54 in 1996 and $46,547.72 in 1997) from Neighborhood-based Property Management (Housing 1.8.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $31,142.05 ($1,535 in 1997; $13,744.69 in 1998; and $15,862.36 in 1999) to Home Ownership Assistance (Housing 1.2.1.); and (2) $73,074.90 ($1,844.54 in 1996; $46,547.72 in 1997; and $24,682.64 in 1999) to Vacant Housing (Housing 1.5.1.).
10Full Action Plan09/28/00On September 28, 2000, the NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate a total of $67,375.08 ($46,402.42 in 1995; $16,023.53 in 1996; $920.50 in 1997; and $4,028.63 in 1998) to Create Marketing and PR Strategies (Economic Development 1.1.2.). The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: (1) $447.64 in 1995 from Implement Economic Development Plan (1.1.1.); (2) $706.94 in 1995 from Green Institute (3.1.1.); (3) $68.12 in 1996 from Green Institute Business Incubator (3.1.3.); (4) $4,162.24 in 1996 from Business Low Interest Loans (4.1.1.); (5) $26.72 in 1996 from Phillips Employment Advisory Board (5.1.1.); (6) $1,177.02 in 1995 from Native American Employment Survey (5.1.3.); (7) $394.50 in 1995 from Educational Services (5.1.5.); (8) $3,453.19 in 1995 from Employment Support (5.1.6.); (9) $2,071.91 in 1995 from Employment Training (5.1.8.); (10) $460.51 in 1995 from Needs Assessment (7.1.1.); (11) $2,698.64 in 1995 from Voucher System (7.2.1.); (12) $4,028.63 in 1998 from Establish Child Care Facilities (7.2.3.); (13) $1,070.74 in 1995 from Child Care Training (7.3.1.); (14) $1,496.21 in 1995 from Maintain Informal Child Care (7.3.2.); (15) $1,291.30 in 1995 from Youth Coordinator (9.1.1a-b.); (16) $7,109.42 in 1995 from Youth Program Support (9.1.1c.); (17) $2,235.50 in 1996 from Youth Employer Support (9.1.1d.); (18) $2,630.00 in 1996 from Post-Secondary Education Support (9.1.1e.); (19) $1,841.00 in 1996 from After School and Summer Employment (9.1.1f.); (20) $4,028.63 in 1995 from Youth Business Training (9.2.2.); and (21) $263.00 in 1996 from Venture Loan Program 9.2.3.); ARTS/CULTURE/ETHNICITY: (1) $824.56 in 1995 from Phillips Council on Arts and Culture (1.1.); (2) $2.63 in 1995 from Franklin Theater Rehab (2.2.1.); (3) $6,706.50 in 1995 from Youth Arts Mentorships (4.1.2.); and (4) $263.00 in 1996 from Phillips Board of Mediation (5.1.2.); CRIME AND SAFETY: (1) $260.11 in 1995 from Mobile Safety Center (1.1.1.); (2) $75.51 in 1995 from District Organizers (2.1.1.) and (3) $52.60 in 1996 from Conflict Resolution Workshop (3.2.2.); LIFESPAN: (1) $65.75 in 1996 from Resource Directory (1.1.5.); (2) $411.42 in 1996 from Bartering/Asset Exchange (1.2.1.); (3) $1,052.00 in 1996 from 24-Hour Youth Center (2.1.2.); (4) $1,183.50 in 1995 from Family Resource Center (2.1.3.); (5) $789.00 in 1995 from Provide Training in Healthcare Fields (3.1.3.); and (6) $131.50 in 1996 from Fitness Programming (3.1.4.); ENVIRONMENT/TRANSPORTATION/PARKS: (1) $90.74 in 1995 from Phillips Environmental Resource Center (1.1.1-5.); (2) $105.20 in 1995 from Environmental Inventory (1.3.1.); (3) $177.53 in 1996 from Identify Uses on Unbuildable Land (1.4.1.); (4) $263.00 in 1996 from Develop Model Greenhouse (1.5.1.); (5) $341.90 in 1996 from Good Neighbor Negotiations (2.1.1.); (6) $1,578.00 in 1996 from "Green" Home Assessments (3.1.1.); (7) $920.50 in 1997 from Solar/Wind Demo Village (3.2.1.); (8) $394.50 in 1995 from "Green" Economic Development Strategies (3.4.1.); (9) $635.67 in 1995 from Transportation Management Plan (4.1.1.); (10) $1,183.50 in 1995 from Bike Paths (4.2.4.); (11) $683.80 in 1995 from Stewart Park-Phase 2-Safety (5.3.1.); (12) $1,052.00 in 1995 from Community Forest Management Plan (5.6.1.); (13) $394.50 in 1996 from Playgrounds (5.7.1.); and (14) $65.75 in 1996 from Sledding Hill (5.9.1.); ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT: (1) $6,008.55 in 1995 from The Management Team (1.1.1.).
15Full Action Plan06/12/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate $23,670 in 1997 to Housing Resource Center (Housing 1.1.1.) from Post-Secondary Education Support (Economic Development 9.1.1e.).
16Full Action Plan08/07/01On August 7, 2001, the NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate $96,637.09 ($15,766.36 in 1995; $48,935.24 in 1996; $2,095 in 1997; and $29,840.49 in 1999) to Housing Resource Center (Housing 1.1.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $4,028.78 in 1996 from Implement Economic Development Plan (Economic Development 1.1.1.); (2) $613.05 in 1996 from Green Institute Business Incubator (Economic Development 3.1.3.); (3) $240.49 in 1999 from Phillips Employment Advisory Board (Economic Development 5.1.1.); (4) $4,114.62 in 1995 from Needs Assessment (Economic Development 7.1.1.); (5) $9,636.67 in 1996 from Child Care Training (Economic Development 7.3.1.); (6) $11,621.74 in 1995 from Youth Coordinator (Economic Development 9.1.1a-b.); (7) $63,984.74 ($34,384.74 in 1996 and $29,600 in 1999) from Youth Program Support (Economic Development 9.1.1c.); and (8) $2,367 ($272 in 1996 and $2,095 in 1997) from Venture Loan Program (Economic Development 9.2.3.).
17Full Action Plan08/09/01On August 9, 2001, the NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate $46,880.33 ($4,497.30 in 1995; $34,098.53 in 1996; and $8,284.50 in 1997) to The Management Team Administrative Support 1.1.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $816.61 in 1996 from Phillips Environmental Resource Center (Environment/Transportion/Parks 1.1.1-5.); (2) $946.80 in 1995 from Environmental Inventory (Environment/Transportation/Parks 1.3.1.); (3) $3,077.10 in 1996 from "Good Neighbor" Negotiations (Environment/Transportation/Parks 2.1.1.); (4) $14,202 in 1996 from "Green" Home Assessments (Environment/Transportation/Parks 3.1.1.); (5) $8,284.50 in 1997 from Solar/Wind Demonstration Village (Environment/Transportation/Parks 3.2.1.); (6) $3,550.50 in 1995 from "Green" Economic Development Strategies (Environment/Transportation/Parks 3.4.1.); (7) $3,550.50 in 1996 from Playgrounds (Environment/Transportation/Parks 5.7.1.); (8) $591.75 in 1996 from Sledding Hill (Environment/Transportation/Parks 5.9.1.); (9) $3,702.76 in 1996 from Bartering/Asset Exchange (Lifespan 1.2.1.); and (10) $8,157.81 in 1996 from 24-Hour Youth Center (Lifespan 2.1.2.).
20Full Action Plan03/08/02On March 8, 2002, the NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate $23,302.28 ($20,935.28 in 1995 and $2,367 in 1996) to Identify Uses on Unbuildable Land (Environment/Transportation/Parks 1.4.1.) from five strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $2,367 in 1996 from Develop Model Greenhouse (Environment/Transportation/Parks 1.5.1.); (2) $5,721.04 in 1995 from Transportation Management Plan (Environment/Transportation/Parks 4.1.1.); (3) $2,000 in 1995 from Bike Paths (Environment/Transportation/Parks 4.2.4.); (4) $6,154.20 in 1995 from Stewart Park-Phase 2-Safety (Environment/Transportation/Parks 5.3.1.); and (5) $7,060.04 in 1995 from Community Forest Management Plan (Environment/Transportation/Parks 5.6.1.).
24Full Action Plan06/04/02On June 4, 2002, the NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate $257,552.22 ($98,238.12 in 1995; $127,923.72 in 1996; and $31,390.38 in 1997) to Home Ownership Assistance (Housing 1.2.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $99,111.07 in 1996 from Housing Resource Center (Housing 1.1.1.): (2) $6,362.50 in 1995 from Green Institute (Economic Development 3.1.1.); (3) $10,593.18 in 1995 from Native American Employment Survey (Economic Development 5.1.3.); (4) $3,550.50 ($2,500 in 1996 and $1,050.50 in 1997 from Educational Services (Economic Development 5.1.5.); (5) $24,287.79 in 1995 from Voucher System (Economic Development 7.2.1.); (6) $13,465.86 in 1995 from Maintain Informal Child Care (Economic Development 7.3.2.); (7) $16,569 in 1997 from After School and Summer Employment (Economic Development 9.1.1f.); (8) $36,257.71 ($22,486.83 in 1996 and $13,770.88 in 1997) from Youth Business Training (Economic Development 9.2.2.); (9) $41,164.74 in 1995 from Youth Arts Mentorships (Art/Culture/Ethnicity 4.1.2.); (10) $1,902.83 in 1995 from Community Futures Coalition (Lifespan 1.1.1.); (11) $271.04 in 1995 from Networking and Information Center (Lifespan 1.1.3.); (12) $3,043.89 in 1996 from Service Delivery Plan (Lifespan 1.1.4.); (13) $781.93 in 1996 from Resource Directory (Lifespan 1.1.5.); and (14) $190.18 in 1995 from Create Learning Experiences (Lifespan 2.3.1.).
27Full Action Plan08/29/02The NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate a total of $195,859.79 from 15 strategies to six strategies. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $37,460.14 in 1997 from Business Low Interest Loans (Economic Development 4.1.1.): (2) $31,078.71 in 1996 from Employmnet Support (Economic Development 5.1.6.); (3) $18,647.23 in 1995 from Employment Training (Economic Development 5.1.8.); (4) $20,119.50 in 1996 from Youth Employer Support (Economic Development 9.1.1d.); (5) $7,421.03 in 1995 from Phillips Council on Arts and Culture (Arts/Culture/Ethnicity 1.1.); (6) $23.67 in 1995 from Franklin Theater Rehab (Arts/Culture/Ethnicity 2.2.1.); (7) $4,194.50 in 1995 fromYouth Arts Mentorships (Arts/Culture/Ethnicity 4.1.2.); (8) $2,367 in 1997 from Phillips Board of Mediation (Arts/Culture/Ethnicity 5.1.2.); (9) $679.56 in 1995 from District Organizers (Crim and Safety 2.1.1.); (10) $473.40 in 1996 from Conflict Resolution Workshop (Crime and Safety 3.2.2..); (11) $7,101 in 1995 from Provide Training in Healthcare Fields (Lifespan 3.1.3.); (12) $1,183.50 in 1996 from Fitness Programming (Lifespan 3.1.4.); (13) $8,651.50 ($26.50 in 1997 and $8,625 in 1998) from Bike Paths (Environment/Transportation/Parks 4.2.4.); (14) $2,407.96 in 1995 from Community Forest Management Plan (Environment/ Transportation/Parks 5.6.1.); and (15) $54,051.09 ($964.60 in 1995; $10,666.13 in 1996; and $42,420.36 in 1997) from The Management Team (Administrative Support 1.1.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $9,208.34 in 1996 to Create Marketing and PR Strategies (Economic Development 1.1.2.); (2) $100,000 ($20,119.50 in 1996 and $79,880.50 in 1997) to Lake Street Corridor (Economic Development 2.1.3.); (3) $9,742.29 ($7,101 in 1995 and $2,641.29 in 1996) to Establish Child Care Facilities (Economic Development 7.2.3.); (4) $50,000 ($18,921.29 in 1995 and $31,078.71 in 1996) to Expand "Light-a-Stop" Program (Crime and Safety 5.1.2.); (5) $15,159.16 ($12,318.76 in 1995; $473.40 in 1996; and $2,367 in 1997) to Networking and Information Center (Lifespan 1.1.3.); and (6) $11,750 ($3,098.50 in 1995; $26.50 in 1997; and $8,625 in 1998) to Midtown Greenway (Environment/ Transportation/Parks 4.2.1.).
29Full Action Plan01/13/03The NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate $1,500 in 1999 to Community Forest Management Plan (Environment/Transportation/Parks 5.6.1.) from The Management Team (Administrative Support 1.1.1.).
33Full Action Plan07/14/03The NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate $500 in 1999 to Create Learning Experiences (Lifespan 2.3.1.) from The Management Team (Administrative Support 1.1.1.).
36Full Action Plan03/18/04The NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate a total of $15,159.16 in 1995 from Networking and Information Center (Lifespan 1.1.3.) to Lake Street Corridor (Economic Development 2.1.3.). The modification also revises the wording of Phillips Youth Enterprise Center (Economic Development 9.2.1.) to allow for youth-related purposes at the Antiques Minnesota Building.
41Full Action Plan11/10/04On November 10, 2004, the NRP Director approved a modification to the East Phillips, Midtown Phillips and Ventura Village portions of the Phillips plan to reallocate a total of $15,000 in 1995 to Assess Library Needs and Improve Service (Lifespan 2.3.2.) from the following strategies: (1) $5,000 in 1995 from the Ventura Village portion of Phillips Youth Enterprise Center (EA) (Economic Development 9.2.1.); (2) $5,000 in 1995 from the East Phillips portion of 24-Hour Youth Center (Lifespan 2.1.2.); and (3) $5,000 in 1995 from the Midtown Phillips portion of The Management Team (Administrative Support 1.1.1.). On December 20, 2004, the NRP Director amended the approval to make it retroactive to June 1, 2004.
42Full Action Plan02/10/05The NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate a total of $25,000 ($18,921.29 in 1995 and $6,078.71 in 1996) from Expand "Light-a-Stop" Program (Crime and Safety 5.1.2.) to Lake Street Corridor (Economic Development 2.1.3.) to complete the Heart of the Beast Theater space in the former Antiques Minnesota building.
44Full Action Plan03/23/05The NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate $25,000 in 1996 from Expand "Light-a-Stop" Program (Crime and Safety 5.1.2.) to Resident Utilization of Existing School Resources (Lifespan 2.3.3.).
50Full Action Plan10/31/07The NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate $5,000 in 1995 from The Management Team (Administrative Support 1.1.1.) to Employment Recruiting (Economic Development 5.1.4.). The modification also revises the wording of Employment Recruiting (Economic Development 5.1.4.) to include the Allina Health System Jobs Program as an eligible use of NRP funds.
58Full Action Plan11/16/09The NRP Director approved a modification to the Midtown Phillips portion of the plan to reallocate a total of $222,023.47 from the following strategies: (1) $2,661.82 in 1995 from Home Ownership Assistance (Housing 1.2.1.); (2) $84,206.15 in 1995 from Vacant Housing (Housing 1.5.1.); (3) $39,333.75 in 1995 from Create Marketing and PR Strategies (Economic Development 1.1.2.); (4) $0.16 in 1995 from Lake Street Corridor (Economic Development 2.1.3.); (5) $1,701.50 in 1995 from Green Institute (Economic Development 3.1.1.); (6) $630.67 in 1995 from Micro-entrepreneur Training Center (Economic Development 3.3.2.); (7) $177.98 in 1995 from Employment Recruiting (Economic Development 5.1.4.); (8) $1,503.30 in 1995 from Voucher System (Economic Development 7.2.1.); (9) $1,562.08 in 1995 from Establish Child Care Facilities (Economic Development 7.2.3.); (10) $1,810.61 in 1995 from Employment Support Services (Economic Development 8.1.1.); (11) $54 in 1995 from Phillips Youth Enterprise Center (Economic Development 9.2.1.); (12) $2,340.96 in 1995 from Mobile Safety Center (Crime and Safety 1.1.1.): (13) $65,000.41 in 1996 from Neighborhood Early Learning Center (Lifespan 2.1.1.); (14) $500 in 1995 from Create Learning Experiences (Lifespan 2.3.1.); and (15) $21,900 in 1999 from Midtown Greenway (Environment/Transportation/Parks 4.2.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $2,000 in 1995 to District Organizers (Crime and Safety 2.1.1.); (2) $10,000 in 1995 to 24-Hour Youth Center (Lifespan 2.1.2.); (3) $181,682.51 ($94,782.10 in 1995; $65,000.41 in 1996; and $21,900 in 1999) to Identify Uses on Unbuildable Land (Environment/Transportation/Parks 1.4.1.); (4) $5,000 in 1995 to Stewart Park-Phase 2-Improvements (Environment/Transportation/Parks 5.3.2.); and (5) $23,340.96 in 1995 to The Management Team (Administrative Support 1.1.1.). The modification also revises the wording of Stewart Park-Phase 2-Improvements (Environment/Transportation/Parks 5.3.2.) to allow for funds to be used for East Phillips Park.
64Full Action Plan10/22/14The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $20,000 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Staff and Office (Supply Plan Oversight 6.A.1.). (This is Phillips Phase I Plan Modification #64 and Midtown Phillips Plan Modification #1.) The modification also revises the wording of Contracted Housing Staff (Improvement of Housing 1.A.2.) to allow for administrative support.

Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P1) run on 02/23/2025 at 6:20 PM